My Offerings

Although birth is my passion I offer many ways to support women throughout their life, pregnant or not.

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Concierge home visits at your house for all of your prenatal and postpartum care.

Typically women enter care at 6-12 weeks gestation. Although late transfers are possible too! It’s never too late to listen to your intuition and switch are providers if you’re not feeling heard in the practice you started with. I see you at your home every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then every week until you have your baby. During each visit we will discuss how you’ve been feeling, answer any questions, review recommendations for any discomforts, discuss your mental health, review your diet, help you prepare for labor and birth, and plan for postpartum. I attend to you during your labor and birth at home. My team and I clean up so no one ever knows you had a homebirth, start your first load of laundry and tuck you in your own bed afterwards.

Postpartum visits are done at 1-3 days postpartum, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. In the typical model of care, you are seen at 6 weeks postpartum, sometimes at 2 weeks postpartum. This is not adequate postpartum care as postpartum is a raw, intense journey where the woman needs to feel supported.

My Concierge Midwifery Services Include:

  • Prenatal visits at your home every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until you have your baby

  • Care during labor and birth

  • Postpartum care for you and baby: 1-3 day visit (day depends on birth time, how breastfeeding is going, your preference etc) 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks

  • Routine prenatal labs at new OB visit, 28 weeks, and GBS swab 

  • I can do the baby's metabolic screen and routine baby care for the first 6 weeks which includes vitals, weight checks, and newborn exams. Some clients don't see their pediatrician until after 6 weeks and some prefer to do co-care with the pediatrician for the first 6 weeks or the pediatrician prefers that. I do not have the hearing screen equipment or the Hepatitis B vaccine so that can be done at a pediatricians’ office or other places in the community. 

  • Filing birth certificate

  • Birth kit

    • Visits are typically 60-120 mins depending on what’s being addressed at that visit.

    • Checking in on you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    • Answering questions, helping you prepare for your birth, and plan for postpartum.

    • Discussing nutrition and movement.

    • Recommendations for common discomforts of pregnancy.

    • Checking your blood pressure, drawing your labs in the comfort of your home, listening to the baby's heart rate and measuring your belly to monitor growth.

  • Ultrasounds are not included in this fee. I am able to order ultrasounds for you and you can have them done anywhere you like and/or where your insurance covers. Typically two ultrasounds are done a dating ultrasound if you’d like and/or you do not know your last LMP or had irregular cycles and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks.

    I can also order genetic screening, if you'd like to do it. If you want the genetic screening blood work I can order it and you can have it drawn at a Quest location, draw it for you and send to Unity lab to process, or refer you to Maternal Fetal Medicine for a genetic consult.

    Want to have a water birth? You can rent a birth tub for $300.

Wellness Packages

Not local to the Austin area or home birth doesn't resonate with you? Still want to work with me for education during pregnancy and/or postpartum? Postpartum is the most neglected area during this journey so let’s prepare for it! Sign up for one of my wellness packages:

Pregnancy | $1600

8 virtual visits, 60 minute initial, 7-30 minute visits

Pregnancy and Postpartum
| $2000

12 virtual visits, 60 minute initial, 11-30 minute visits

Mini Pregnancy or Postpartum Package | $500

4 virtual visits during pregnancy or postpartum

Ask the Midwife | $150

45 minutes of education time with me

Just a quick question or desire for education around something birth or pregnancy related. Happy to help you better understand your choices surrounding pregnancy and birth.

These packages do not replace your routine prenatal or mental health care. They are for educational purposes only and are intended to compliment your routine care. Sadly many women do not get much time to ask questions in their routine prenatal care as visits are so brief.

Well Women's Care

Annual Well Woman’s Visit (In person) | $175

Does not include the cost of PAP smear or labs. PAP and labs can be billed to insurance or cash pay prices.

Other Women's Gynecological Consultation | $125

Virtual, 30 mins. Want to talk about discomfort with sex, PMS, birth control, your cycles? Happy to provide holistic information and discuss ways of managing bodily symptoms.

Preconception Counseling | $175

Thinking about getting pregnant and have questions? Issues with trying to conceive? In this visit we will review your medical history, lifestyle, diet, and stressors. Labs can be ordered if needed. After a thorough understanding of who you are we will make a plan to help optimize your health for conceiving and pregnancy.

Mental Wellness Consultations

I recently finished my psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner degree and became board certified. This degree expanded my depth of knowledge of mental illness, understanding of medication management, and therapy for mental health disorders. I was motivated to complete this other degree after seeing such a need for this in the perinatal community working as a midwife. However, at this time I am not licensed to practice as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.

  • My continued research about medications to treat mental health and me delving into Dr Kelly Brogan’s work has at this time helped me decide to offer more holistic mental wellness services. At this time I will not be prescribing psychiatric medication, but I am happy to offer holistic consultations to discuss education and alternative healing modalities. Many struggling with mental well being need a space to be heard and I am happy to provide that safe space. I am not negating the fact that sometimes medication can be warranted or desired and that we do have data showing safety of medications in pregnancy and breastfeeding. My major concern is that if we do not address the underlying causes of our feelings and other factors like poor nutrition, mineral depletion, inadequate sleep, rest, and movement we are just putting a temporary band aid on something that needs more.

I am offering individual consultation sessions as well as packages:

New client consultation | $350

  • 90-120 minute comprehensive

Established client consultation | $150

  • 45 mins

Birth Processing | $125

Preconception Counseling | $175

  • Virtual, 45 minutes. 

Reiki Session

1 Session  |  $100

Reiki is a form of energy healing that promotes relaxation, healing, and reduces stress through light touch.